DHWI University

Dynamic Health & Wellness Institute (DHWI) offers official graduate level certification through the DHWI University.


If you are working in a wellness career, or you have studied a specific field of wellness and want to have an official Dynamic Health & Wellness Certification to take your career to the next level, or change your hobby and passion into a career and boost your clientele, this is the program for you.

Would you like to be acknowledged for your skills, abilities, and your hard-earned life experiences? Well, now you can at DHW university.

We cater to the millions of members of the Wellness Community who possess unique skills and abilities but lack the time or funds to study for a prolonged qualification.  Unfortunately, in a competitive marketplace, your important life experiences and attributes won’t necessarily be enough to help you succeed. This is where the DHW University is different. We are not teaching in a traditional sense. We cater to those of you who already possess the knowledge and are in need of the proof – the official certification – acknowledging your expertise.

Our goal is to help you reach your goal of a successful career in the highly competitive health and wellness industry. An official DHW University certification is what can make the difference.

DHW University employs VVA – visual video assessment methodology as developed by Dr. Itay Gil to measure the structure, ability to teach and and deliver information. We are the first educational institute in the world to apply this methodology to the Health and Wellness Industry. This is not a diploma mill where you can simply buy a certification. These are unique, personalized graduate level curricula designed for those with knowledge and experience in a specific field of wellness. 


This program is based on the highly respected VVA program established by Dr. Itay Gil for his Sports, Athletics, Martial Arts and Security certifications.

After a screening interview and acceptance into the program, you will have a personalized curriculum designed just for you.

Rather than having a standard set of videos, textbooks and workbooks for you to complete over the next 1-3 years, you send in specific 3 to 5 minute videos (depending on the program) demonstrating and/or explaining what you are doing or teaching or how you are guiding your clients.

Your academic advisor will thoroughly review the videos and provide detailed feedback to you in the form of PASS or very specific recommendations and suggestions for improvement. Watching yourself on video may initially be disconcerting as our perception of movement and quality of presentation often differs from reality.

Thanks to this methodology, with the correct feedback, you will quickly see the improvements in your performance as your brain observes what your body is doing. You will easily correct and adjust to eventually reach an optimum performance level. Both you and your students or clients will benefit from your participation in this unique educational opportunity.

The entire program is self-paced and may take as little as a few days or several months; completely based on your schedule.

Rather than being intimidating and anxiety provoking, you will find that completing the program will bring about a sense of empowerment and wellness-related enlightenment.

Contact us to get started now on your journey to full accreditation.


The Dynamic Health & Wellness Institute (DHWI) is an innovative company that establishes a Positive Power perspective. We actualize your individual potential for internal growth and help you establish a strong mind-body-spirit connection. Our Mission is to help educate and consult with individuals, families, schools, communities, organizations and corporations on issues promoting personal growth through the discipline of Positive Power and the belief in “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body.”

Positive Power is the force generated from the use of positive emotions, communications, outlooks, beliefs and actions to improve the human condition. We combine positive psychology concepts with other proven techniques such as focused mindfulness, the Power of Present Living, relaxation/meditation, resilience, advanced goal-setting, and alternative approaches to wellness. We help clients generate the Positive Power necessary to create and sustain a sense of well-being and produces positive results for our clients.

DHWI and the Positive Power philosophy were developed by the Founder, Dr. Neil Farber. Dr. Farber has a degree in Psychology and doctorate degrees – MD and PhDs in Pharmacology, Metaphysics and Religious Studies. He was a practicing physician, teacher, wellness practitioner, and martial arts grandmaster until he started losing his eyesight at which time he transferred ownership of DHWI and The Key to Achieve brand to his daughter and protege Kaelah Farber.

Kaelah is also a trained and certified Life Coach master, Reiki Master, wellness coach and yoga instructor. She is also an award winning, hall of fame inductee and black belt instructor in several martial arts and self-defense systems.